Global Barcodes Registry

Global Electronic Party Information Registry

Barcode numbers in Barcodes Pro Registry.

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Business Name: Island Pacific Soap Co

Date:28 September 2020


Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN):

Universal Product Code

UPC / GTIN-12:USA & Canada

European Article Number

EAN / GTIN-13:Europe, Asia, etc.
EAN UPC Business Name Product Name
0634240006395 634240006395 Island Pacific Soap Co Orange Lemon Soap
0634240006401 634240006401 Island Pacific Soap Co Grapefruit Soap
0634240006418 634240006418 Island Pacific Soap Co Mango Mandarin Soap
0634240006425 634240006425 Island Pacific Soap Co Coconut Lime Soap
0634240006432 634240006432 Island Pacific Soap Co Lemongrass Soap
0634240006449 634240006449 Island Pacific Soap Co Avocado Mint Soap
0634240006456 634240006456 Island Pacific Soap Co Tropical Variety 6 Pack Soap
0634240006463 634240006463 Island Pacific Soap Co Orange Patchouli Soap
0634240006470 634240006470 Island Pacific Soap Co Bay Rum Soap
0634240006487 634240006487 Island Pacific Soap Co Neem Oil Dog Soap Variety 3 Pack