Global Barcodes Registry

Global Electronic Party Information Registry

Barcode numbers in Barcodes Pro Registry.

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Business Name: Mag African Goods

Date:04 March 2021


Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN):

Universal Product Code

UPC / GTIN-12:USA & Canada

European Article Number

EAN / GTIN-13:Europe, Asia, etc.
EAN UPC Business Name Product Name
0634240026850 634240026850 Mag African Goods Grains of Selim
0634240026867 634240026867 Mag African Goods Kinkeliba Green Leaves
0634240026874 634240026874 Mag African Goods Kinkeliba Leaves Mix
0634240026881 634240026881 Mag African Goods Saba Fruit Sweet and Sour
0634240026898 634240026898 Mag African Goods Saba Fruit Spicy
0634240026904 634240026904 Mag African Goods Toll Fruit Sweet and Sour
0634240026911 634240026911 Mag African Goods Locust Beans Powder 4oz
0634240026928 634240026928 Mag African Goods Dried Locust Beans 16oz
0634240026935 634240026935 Mag African Goods Dried Locust Beans 8oz
0634240026942 634240026942 Mag African Goods Dried Locust Beans 4oz