Global Barcodes Registry

Global Electronic Party Information Registry

Barcode numbers in Barcodes Pro Registry.

Use our online barcode tools to buy Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN), Universal Product Codes (UPC), European Article Numbers (EAN), generate barcodes, register details for your products, Business names and Product names, search product details and owners.

Business Name: Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd.

Date:26 October 2020


Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN):

Universal Product Code

UPC / GTIN-12:USA & Canada

European Article Number

EAN / GTIN-13:Europe, Asia, etc.
EAN UPC Business Name Product Name
0634240007231 634240007231 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Breadcrumbs
0634240007248 634240007248 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Pizza Dough
0634240007255 634240007255 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Baguettes
0634240007262 634240007262 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Homestyle Loaf/ Round
0634240007279 634240007279 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Homestyle Loaf/ Long
0634240007286 634240007286 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Pita Loaf
0634240007293 634240007293 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Sweet Bread
0634240007309 634240007309 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Multigrain Loaf
0634240007316 634240007316 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Whole Wheat Loaf
0634240007323 634240007323 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. French Loaf
0634240007330 634240007330 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Medium Corn Bread
0634240007347 634240007347 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Large Corn Bread
0634240007354 634240007354 Seara Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Natas