Global Barcodes Registry

Global Electronic Party Information Registry

Barcode numbers in Barcodes Pro Registry.

Use our online barcode tools to buy Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN), Universal Product Codes (UPC), European Article Numbers (EAN), generate barcodes, register details for your products, Business names and Product names, search product details and owners.

Business Name: Sajedifar foodstuff llc

Country: Iran Flag Iran
Date:14 February 2024


Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN):

Universal Product Code

UPC / GTIN-12:USA & Canada

European Article Number

EAN / GTIN-13:Europe, Asia, etc.
EAN UPC Business Name Product Name
0634240256769 634240256769 Sajedifar foodstuff llc Pistachios Premium 50g
0634240256776 634240256776 Sajedifar foodstuff llc Pistachios Premium 100g